Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why I am Pro-Palin.

1. She has strong conservative ideals and fights for less government control. It seems to me that Republicans are becoming more and more moderate (aka McCain and a spend-happy Bush), so I am thrilled that someone who is articulate and popular might be able to reinvigorate the stagnant conservative ideals (LESS GOVERNMENT CONTROL).

2. She energized the hell out of the conservative base, which was desperately needed.

3. I couldn't care less that I share a gender with her, but am thankful that she is a woman to take some ammo from the Dems when they say the Republicans don't have diversity in their party (which is a fallacy).

4. I definitely hope to hear more from her and find out what she's truly about. But, I am excited that at first blush, she seems intelligent, tough (but likeable) and conservative. I also like that while she seems to stand by her ideals, she is willing to listen to others and modify herself accordingly. For a small example, when she said "nucular" in her speech on the day she was announced, I almost died. But, she corrected that by the time her acceptance speech at the RNC rolled around, unlike Bush, who, stubbornly, to this day, says "nucular."

5. I disagree with some of her principles. I'm an atheist and lean toward pro-choice. I want religion out of schools and politics, for example. But, I still feel that she is SO much more in the right direction than the majority of other republican politicians. Even if McCain is not elected, I hope that this campaign allows her to be a real contender in politics in the future.

I'm sure plenty of dirt will continue to come out about her in the future, but I am confident the pros will vastly outweigh the cons after the dust settles.

It is so important Obama does not get elected, that McCain could have picked a toad to be his running mate, and I'd begrudgingly support the ticket. But, I'm glad he didn't. I'm glad he picked someone who's stealing the spotlight from Obama, creating buzz about the McCain ticket, is quick, packs a punch and finally seems to be on the right side of most issues that should be important to this country (whether they know it or not).

I can't understand how people do not see this and why they are fooled by Obama's "Change" BS. On the topic of change, how is it that Obama can claim his platform as change when everything he wants to do has been tried already and failed. For example, Obama's health care plan, which is packaged as "new" is completely modeled on the system implemented in Canada, which is failing. Why is it that Canada is returning to a privatized system? Because government-run health care DOES NOT WORK. Just like most other government-run programs DO NOT WORK.

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