Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why not ban ALL distractions?

Radios, CD players and mp3 players are distracting. They should be banned while driving. Having a passenger in your car is distracting. Cars should be constructed with only one seat. Windows are distracting, lets eliminate those.

Where does it end?

A national safety group is advocating a total ban on cell phone use while driving, saying the practice is clearly dangerous and leads to fatalities.


Jim Fryar said...

These laws have been in place for a fair while over here and are generally ignored. I find at times when I ring people they will ask for a minute to pull over but in a serious conversation they don't want to be distracted by driving.

Statistics are not that reliable as it only indicates that at the time of an accident a cell phone was in use. 6% or one in sixteen people on the phone at a given time is not that far out of the situation you see in any supermarket.

Midnight Oil said...

Yes, I am sure they will summarily be ignored over here, as well. What bothers me is that it is not the government's place to tell us what we can and cannot do in our cars. Where do you draw the line? Especially in California, the nanny-stating is out of control. They are regulating businesses to the point that entrepreneurs are fleeing this state to more business friendly states like Texas, which is causing higher unemployment here and just generally aiding in the bankrupting of our state. So, these stupid laws like the cell phone and texting laws, serve to remind me of the pointless legislation that our state government is concerning itself with in this time of crisis, plus just a general infringement on our rights as citizens.

It's ridiculous.

Jefferoo said...

You know me, I'm a Libertarian so I hate the idea of the gov't telling us what to do. However, whenever I have to move around or slam on the brakes or suddenly swerve out of the way of some idiot driver it seems that 9 out of 10 of those idiots are on the phone. Drivers are bad enough, and you add a phone to the mix (especially the idiots who text and drive) then it becomes a safety nightmare. I don't like making it illegal because many times the situation is fine for talking on the phone like on long road trips or in otherwise low traffic, but maybe outlawing them during rush hour isn't a bad idea.

If one were to chug a gallon of Jagermeister and get behind the wheel, that would be illegal - because it's a safety hazard. Same applies to cell phone use in moderate to heavy traffic. It's also why I'm against giving driver's licenses to Asian women. ;-)

Midnight Oil said...

Yeah, texting and driving is stupid, but another regulation, removing our rights is adding to California's nanny-state slippery slope. It's just another legislation that government has imposed on Californians to look like they are doing something up there in Sacramento, when they have much, much, much larger fish to fry. What I do in my car should not be their business. If someone is driving erratically, take their license down and report them and even before the texting law, cops could very easily pull someone over if they are texting and driving unsafely. And how about going harder after drunk drivers or high drivers. This is a waste of time and just a "look over here!!" tactic while the state falls apart.