I'm already a little sick of hearing about this story, but it does still make me chuckle when I think about it.
Joe, just keep at it. We need to see more of you, man! Get out there!
I'm not really sure why SNL hasn't picked up on the comedic value of Biden yet, but he sure is gold....sweet, Botox'd, liquid gold.
I'm sure his gaffe's will have little to no impact on the election, but I do appreciate that special way he has of bringing a smile to my face.
Almost as good as McCain's senior moments. I especially liked the time he was in western PA commenting on Rep. Murtha's comments about the people there being racist - McCain said he "couldn't agree more" then stumbled in a Bush-esque manner to dig out of that one. Then he dropped the good ol' "c" word. Let's also not forget vetoing every beer.
Awww, grandpa!
Tee hee.
Yeah, anyone who's in front of a camera long enough is bound to say some stupid things.
That being said, Grandpa McCain campaigns a whole lot harder and far more hours than that young whipper snapper Obama.
Obama's got the lead and he's a smart guy, he's not gonna risk blowing it - and as you said, the more time you spend in front of the camera the more nonsense you're liable to spout. If this were the McCain from 2000 Obama would definitely be breaking more of a sweat.
Also, he's a smoker and needs to catch his breath between campaign stops. Especially in Colorado.
True, except he took a lot more leisure time even when he was behind. Regardless, I'm just sayin' that McCain is made of tough stuff and isn't the senile old man that some would like to believe.
I absolutely agree. Just watch Reagan near the end of his term - THAT's "awww grandpa". I hope I've got McCain's gusto when I get to his age . . . in 50 years.
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